The training home page shows a series of tools : an introduction text, a description, a Documents manager etc. This page is modular : you can hide / show any tool in one click. Hidden tools can be reactivated at any time.
NavigationTo browse your course, you have 2 navigation tools. One on top left is a tree showing where you are and how deep you are in the training. On top right, you can access to a tool through its icon in one click. Whether you select your training code on left (always UPPER CASE) or the house icon on the right, you will reach the home page of your training.
Best practiceTo motivate your learners, it is important that your training area is a dynamic area. This will indicate that there is 'somebody behind the screen'. A quick way to give this feeling is to edit the Introduction text (click on yellow pencil) at least every week to tell latest news, forthcoming deadlines and so on.
To build your training, it might prove relevant to follow these steps: