The RIGHTS project is over!!!

The RIGHTS project partner organized the Final project meeting and the final conference. These events were held in Barcelona on the 26-27th September 2013 with different aims. The final project meeting helped partners to sum up activities implemented, tasks accomplished and results achieved over the past 2 years and to make the final steps with an eye on the Final report. The Final conference was the last dissemination event of the RIGHTS project.
Thursday 26th September
09,00 – 17,00
International conference:
Digital Storytelling as a resource for the global citizenship
Venue: Barcelona, Centre Cívic Pati Llimona
The Final conference and meeting were hosted by Spanish partner TRANSIT PROJECTES and was livestreamed at:
Around 150 teachers from the 7 European partner countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey) enrolled in the e-learning course and more than 150 stories were produced both by teachers and students! To watch all the stories please visit our website: As part of the RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL CONTEST each partner country selected the 5 best stories that were selected for participating in the.
The winner of the International contest was...Daniela Fernandes from Portugal, Escola Secundária de Santa Maria with her story: "The Shadow of Man". You can watch the story at the link:
As foreseen Daniela participated in the RIGHTS project final conference that was held in Barcelona on the 26th September 2013 and was invited to present her story.
Daniela participated in the conference together with the teacher that worked with her on the RIGHTS project.
The annual congress of the Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE 2013): The integration of formal and informal learning took place in Lugano from Wednesday, 21st to Friday 23rd August 2013. Rights project was presented, as part a symposium about citizenship education. The whole session started with an overview of citizenship education teaching in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland; then, the presentation of Rights and of another activity involving school to promote citizenship education followed, and, finally, a theoretical framework about the concept of citizenship and its evolution was provided. See more at:
On 6th September 2013 CIES participated in the conference "Digital Storytelling for Global Citizenship Education". The main purpose of the workshop was to introduce to the audience the aims and tools of Digital Storytelling, by sharing the Rights Project results and methodology. The teachers (who were the majority of the audience) and educators who participated were invited to write a text, share it in two smaller "story circles", give and receive a feedback, and learn how to edit it in order to create their own digital stories. Due to time limits (the workshop lasted four hours) the trainers decided to fully experiment the story circle's approach and then to give teachers some information about how to record voice, choose images and music, and finally use a simple editing software to create their digital story. The workshop also focused on how to use this methodology in a learning path centred on Global Citizenship Education. For this reason, examples from the experience of Rights workshops at schools were shared with the teachers.