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Second National Event - Rome 25 September 2013



Didattica e tecnologia: nuovi orizzonti”

Nell’ambito del Lifelong Learning Programme, l’Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi e l’Associazione AIM – Associazione Intercultura e Mobilità, realizzano un seminario destinato ai dirigenti scolastici e agli insegnanti interessati a conoscere nuove opportunità di innovazione per la scuola.


La partecipazione al seminario è gratuita, previa iscrizione tramite l’invio via e-mail del form di registrazione.

25 settembre 2013 alle ore 14.00

c/o l'Aula Magna del Liceo Statale "Niccolò Machiavelli"

Piazza Indipendenza, 7 - 00185 Roma 


14.00         REGISTRAZIONE


Benvenuto e introduzione dell’evento
Prof. Michele Donatacci, Liceo Scientifico "Niccolò Macchiavelli"


Nuove piattaforme ICT in ambiente favorevole all'apprendimento        

Prof. Alfredo Mazzocchi, Presidente della Rete "Educare all'Europa"


Il linguaggio della matematica e alcune sue rappresentazioni

Prof. Fabio Rinaldi, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi


Il percorso formativo di TALETE e l'ambiente virtuale 3D: prova dimostrativa

Michela Tramonti, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi


Presentazione dei risultati del progetto TALETE a livello Nazionale e Gutemberg secolo XXI: nuovi approcci in materia di istruzione

Miguel Cabezas Ruiz, Associazione Intercultura e Mobilità


 Una nuova esperienza di apprendimento: il progetto siLang

Michela Tramonti, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi 


 Connessioni improbabili: Matematica e musica

Prof.ssa Anna Parisi, Fisico Matematico Creativo 


Spazio per domande


Chiusura lavori



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telefono: 06 377 255 11 

First National Event - Rome 26 october 2012


First National Event:

Le sfide dell’Europa 2020, il Progetto TALETE e la didattica per competenze:

creatività, dimensione sociale e sviluppo della persona.


26 Ottobre 2012


Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”

Via Plinio, 44 - Roma


Aula Magna 






14.00   Registrazione dei partecipanti


14.30    Saluti di benvenuto    

Marco Magarini Montenero, Segretario Generale - Università degli Studi "G. Marconi"                             


14,45 Il progetto TALETE e il percorso formativo multimediale              

Michela Tramonti, Project Manager, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi


15.30   La matematica, il suo linguaggio e le nuove tecnologie

Fabio Rinaldi, Docente di Matematica, Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi

16.00   Coffe Break

16.20    Gli strumenti e i processi di valutazione nel percorso formativo di TALETE

Mariangela Benzi, Project Manager, IAL Lazio S.r.l. Impresa Sociale


16.40   La rete Educare all’Europa: e-Twinning, CLIL, nuove tecnologie e dimensione europea dell’apprendimento

           Erika Gerardini, Associazione AIM e Segretaria Generale Rete Educare all’Europa


17.00  La sfida tecnologica per gli ambienti favorevoli all’apprendimento nella Strategia Europa 2020

          Alfredo Mazzocchi, Dirigente Scolastico, Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione


17.20  Didattica e ambienti innovativi di apprendimento: l'esperienza dei docenti in rete.
         Prof. Francesca Burgos, Docente di Matematica e Fisica presso il Liceo Classico  
        "Augusto" aderente alla Rete Nazionale di Scuole "
Educare all'Europa"

17.40    Discussione tra i partecipanti e conclusione dei lavori


18.00    Fine dei lavori








International seminar

In the framework of LLP the EU Commission approved and co-funded the TALETE Project. The Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, as project coordinator, organized the International seminar “Science and maths: a new learning approach for pupils” held in November, 10th 2011. The event was attended the international experts in the field.


Please, see the programme.

Some news about the experts who attended the event :

Mariya Monova-Zheleva Doctor of Informatics (1968), studied Informatics, in combination mainly with Mathematics at the Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics and obtained her masters degree in Informatics (1991). Additionally she is certificated for secondary school teaching (Informatics, Mathematics).Since 1992 she is a lecturer at BFU. In 2001 she started her post-graduate work at the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The topic of her work is “Methods, models and algorithms for development of adaptive learning content for interactive learning environments”. The dissertation was successfully defended in 2006. E-learning expert.


Mr Jonathan Himoff is the CEO & Founder of Rezzable. He is an experienced IT engineering in 3D virtual world. He believes that web-based virtual world are the beginning of a very exciting direction toward the 3D Web, where a new type of interaction with information, content and people will be possible. The avatar will be the essential interface/guide/companion for this dynamic new environment.


Prof. Maria Guida holds a degree in Mathematics, a Master in “tutor in online learning environments” from IUL (Italian University Consortium) and a post graduation course in “IWB for teaching and communication” (University of Florence, Italy). a post graduation course in "CLIL- Content and Language Integrated Learning" (Universiti Ca' Foscari, Venice) After six years teaching Science in lower secondary schools in Naples and eighteen years teaching Mathematics and Physics in upper secondary school in Sorrento (Naples),  she is now working at ANSAS ( ex Indire) in Florence. Her main fields of interest are IBSE and other innovative practices in math and science teaching, especially with new technologies as well as teachers online collaboration in community of practice. Italian native speaker, she can communicate in English and Spanish. Maria has a ten year experience as teacher trainer in courses dealing with ICT. She was an eTwinning Ambassador and coordinator of three Comenius school partnerships on science topics. Now she is in the panel of Scientix and SPICE.


Mr Premysl Velek works at European Schoolnet (EUN) as the Web Editor / Content Manager of the Scientix portal. His responsibilities include creating and editing the portal content, liaising with Scientix members and participating in Scientix dissemination activities. He is also involved in other EUN science education projects, namely SPICE. Before, Premysl worked as Communications Officer at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2005-2008) and later at the European Science Foundation in Strasbourg, France (2008-2010). He was in charge of a range of communication and outreach tasks: from coordinating web development projects, managing online content and media relations to producing information materials and organising public outreach events. He was also involved in several EU funded science communications projects (EC Framework Programmes, European Social Fund).